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Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Creation of Girl Friday Agency

Juls started the Agency while working as a Trustee and President of a corporation.  As her calendar became filled with responsibilities and tasks to accomplish on a daily, weekly and monthly basis she decided she needed assistance.  In the beginning, she was very hesitant because she is a very private person.  She weighed the pros and cons and it became clear to her that she was making the right decision.  She was taught to always look on the bright side of things.  She made a few telephone calls to employment agencies and realized what she was looking for did not exist in the area.  Juls wanted someone to help in her home office, keep her calendar, organize contacts, run business and personal errands. The nearest Agency was located in Santa Barbara or Palo Alto.

As Juls sat and pondered her dilemma she realized there has to be many other business people in her position. Not enough time in the day to complete all responsibilities and tasks, although we try to be superwoman or superman.  We want to climb the highest building and of course build Rome in a day, completely impossible.  This is the light bulb moment "Girl Friday Agency.”  In the old days secretaries were called this.  This would go hand in hand with Juls personality.  She is old fashion and modest and attended finishing school where etiquette was very important and she learned earlier in life to dress for success.  She realizes the business world has evolved but the people using her Agency would appreciate all the details she has put into creating the Agency. 

She posted an ad in the paper for a Personal Assistant and started to interview.  Juls must have interviewed at least a dozen people. She finally found her first Personal Assistant, she was well spoken, upbeat and her grammar and punctuation was superb. Juls hired her immediately and started to produce the in house forms for the Agency.   The new PA kept her calendar and errands at bay and had coffee available at all times. She would graduate from CSUMB and take a position in the SF area.  She is very appreciative for giving her the chance to grow into the person she is now.  I thank my lucky stars for her. 

Juls continues to meet the most  amazing and accomplished people and has placed many wonderful Assistants.  The Agency continues to flourish in the Monterey and San Luis Obispo area.  This year we celebrate our 5 year Anniversary. 

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