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Friday, May 23, 2014

Why Are Some of Us Still Not Seizing Technology

We have all read about technology, we see it all the time, but why are some of us still not seizing it?  Whether you are afraid to move forward or enjoy staying behind that’s okay. I too, was hesitant in getting a smartphone, but, my daughter said “just try it and if you don’t like it we can take it back.”  Today, I thank her for pushing me to try something new.  Maybe you too can motivate yourself by keeping track of non-productive or wasted time. Plus think of it this way, you can never get the time back because it’s gone.  It does not matter who you are, technology is here to stay and it can be beneficial for all.

I travel from Monterey County into San Luis Obispo and stop at several coffee shops along the way. I am a people watcher, but I am also an administrative business consultant.  Companies hire me to watch office or administrative staff perform their jobs.  I can observe office inefficiencies and implement a clear and concise system to streamline office procedures. 

One day, while having coffee I wondered why the man next to me was calling the bank for his balance.  Why would he not download an app from his bank and set up bank alerts for his balances?  At the same time there was a gentlemen in the corner yelling on the telephone at his secretary, because he needed a fax.  Why hasn’t anyone told him about EFax, My fax, or free fax?

It all boils down to technology.  If we really look around we have many options at our fingertips to assist us in doing just about everything.  I suggest, trying something different on a project or task you do daily.  In doing so, you will save time and get more done, plus you will become fast, well-organized, and surprisingly involved in technology.

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